The Doctors Hastings Medical Centre

Welcome to our practice

At The Doctors Hastings we provide high quality general practice medical services and acute walk-in care with a team of health practitioners including: Doctors, Nurse Practitioner, Registered Nurses, Health Care Assistant, and Clinical Pharmacist.  

We provide a professional service for you and your family and we can offer a number of services to our enrolled patients making sure all our patients’ health needs are met. We are also proud to be Cornerstone Accredited to give you the best medical care.

We are taking bookings for flu vaccines. It’s free for people who meet the eligibility criteria. You can still get a flu vaccine if you’re not eligible for a funded one, for a small fee. 

Please call us at 06 876 8445 to book a flu vaccine.


From the 1st June 2024, we will be introducing Pre-payment for all appointments, prescriptions and other services. This is a new policy implemented by Green Cross Health to assist with managing patient debt and minimizing administrative tasks to improve our overall quality of service. 
If payment before your appointment poses a difficulty, please inform our reception team promptly and we will assist you with making a suitable payment plan. 
Please allow adequate time for prepayment prior to your appointment. 
After your appointment, if there are any discrepancies between the paid amount and the invoiced amount, our reception team will be on hand to assist you. 
When requesting a prescription, please arrange payment online or when you collect your medications. We sincerely appreciate your cooperation as we implement this change.  As always, we remain committed to caring for you and your whanau.

Please note that the standard length of a consultation is 15 minutes your consultation takes more than the standard 15 minutes you will be charged a higher fee for the extended consultation.

We are here for your ongoing care and to offer the best possible service.  To help us achieve this goal, it is important to advise the practice if you are unable to attend your appointment.  Please be advised that failure to attend or cancel your appointment will result in a charge of $20 if you do not provide us with at least 3 hours notice.

Covid-19 Tests & Results
If you have Covid-19 symptoms or are a household contact of a positive case please phone us to arrange your test. Most testing is now done via Rapid Antigen Testing (RATs) with results available within 30mins. You will need to self-report your result via My COVID Record or by calling 0800 222 478 and pressing option 3. The majority of positive cases will be able to self-manage and required to follow current isolation rules. If you have concerns or if your symptoms are worsening, call us on 06 876 8445 or 111 in an emergency.

Managing a Positive Result
Click here for managing a positive result and your symptoms at home.

Covid-19 Vaccinations
Phone us on 06 876 8445 for 5-11 year olds, standard vaccines and boosters.

Many consults are virtual (phone or video), with some in person. Phone 06 876 8445 to book and tell us if you have any Covid-19 symptoms. We will explain what to do when coming into the practice. Please scan in and wear a mask at all times.

Choice of appointments and how to book them

In Person

Enrol With Us

Our enrolment capacity is currently limited.

We are operating on a one-in/one-out basis. Please contact the practice to join the waitlist. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. Your healthcare is our highest priority, and we will reopen enrolments when we are able. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

If you need to speak to a GP, we can offer you an online consultation, usually on the same day. With The Doctors Online, you can book a casual appointment and connect with a doctor via phone or video call. Before you book, check our FAQs to make sure your health concerns are suitable for an online appointment - Book Here

Our services

Our Team provides a range of specialist services including:

Online Patient Portal

Are you registered for the online portal?

When you’re enrolled with us you can register for this portal, called Manage My Health (MMH). Then, any time you like 24/7 you can:

  • book appointments
  • request repeat scripts
  • view lab test results

Phone reception 06 876 8445 to start your registration

Here’s How to Complete Your Registration  and How to Use The Portal

Standard Hours - GP Services

Monday - Friday 8am – 6pm for booked GP appointments
Closed on weekends and public holidays

Walk-In Care Hours

Monday - Friday 8am – 6pm no appointment needed
Closed weekends and public holidays

After Hours

If you require urgent after-hours medical care please call the practice on 06 876 8445 and your call will be answered by a highly trained nurse who can provide medical advice and in need refer you to an appropriate Urgent Care After Hours service.  

Other After Hours Urgent Care Options

Mon to Fri 6pm – 8pm, Weekends 8am – 8pm: Hastings Health Centre 303 Saint Aubyn St West 06 873 8999
Mon to Fri 8pm – 8am, Weekends 8pm – 8am: Emergency Department at Hawkes Bay Hospital 398 Omahu Rd, Camberley 06 878 8109

If you have a medical emergency, call 111

Patient Fees

Enrolled Patient Fees

Age                               Booked Appt                 Booked CSC or HUC         Walk In Care         
0 - 13 years         FREE FREE  FREE 
14-17 years To be advised To be advised To be advised
18-24 years To be advised To be advised To be advised
25+ years $63.00 $19.50 $73.00

CSC = community services card | HUC = high user card.

International patients - All ages Non ACC - $150.00
Nurse consults for enrolled patients are $36.00( $19.50 with CSC )
Repeat prescriptions $25.00 or Same day urgent prescriptions $35.00 
ECG $46.00
Blood tests $15.00.

A $10 administration fee will be applied to all accounts that are not paid by the end of the month.

Prices effective 1st July 2024

Read our Standard Payment Terms and Conditions here

Casual Patient Fees

Age Walk-In Care Weekdays Walk-In Care CSC
0-13 years FREE FREE
14-17 years To be advised To be advised
18-24 years To be advised To be advised
25+ years $116.00 $65.00

Nurse consults for casual patients are $40.00, Repeat prescriptions $22.00 or Same day urgent prescriptions $33.00 , ECG $46.00, blood tests $20.00.  Additional charges may apply for materials or procedures.

CSC = community services card | HUC = high user card.

International patients – All ages Non ACC - $150.00. 

A $10 administration fee will be applied to all accounts that are not paid by the end of the month.

Prices effective 1st July 2024

Read our Standard Payment Terms and Conditions here

Walk-In Care

Enrolled and casual patients will incur an additional fee for walk-in care.

A $10 administration fee will be applied to all accounts that are not paid by the end of the month.

ACC Consultation Fees

Age Enrolled Enrolled CSC Casual Casual CSC
14-17 years To be advised To be advised To be advised To be advised
18-24 years To be advised To be advised To be advised To be advised
25+ years $63.00 $19.50 $80.00 $19.50

Nurse only dressing charges, if apply, are $12.00. Additional charges may apply for materials or procedures. 

CSC = community services card | HUC = high user card.

International patients – All ages ACC  - $137.00. 

A $10 administration fee will be applied to all accounts that are not paid by the end of the month.,

Prices effective 1st July 2024.

Pay Online

Our practice will email or text your unique Medeor Pay by Link. It will give you access to view outstanding invoices on your account and flexible ways to pay. There may be a small transaction fee. 

Our Team

Mandeeps Manage  
  • Dr Frances Butler

    Dr Frances Butler

    Frances grew up in Central Hawkes Bay before attending Otago Medical School, graduating in 2011.  She has worked in various parts of NZ and Australia and now returns to live in Hawkes Bay with her husband and two children.

  • Dr Phoebe Dreadon

    Dr Phoebe Dreadon

    Phoebe was born and raised in Auckland and completed her studies at Otago University. 
    Her special interests include womens’ health, completing a postgraduate diploma in obstetrics and gynaecology in 2022. 
    Outside of work she is a mother of one and enjoys running and the outdoors.

  • Nurse Practitioner Kirstie Cooke

    Nurse Practitioner Kirstie Cooke

    Kirstie was born in New Zealand and trained as a Registered Nurse at the Eastern Institute of Technology. After 15 years of experience in peri-operative and primary healthcare, she completed her Master’s in Nursing and became a Nurse Practitioner. With 20 years of experience in the Bay of Plenty, Kirstie has recently relocated back to Hawkes Bay. She has a special interest in type 2 diabetes, COPD, and perimenopause. In her spare time, Kirstie enjoys exploring the region’s beautiful walking tracks, reading, and spending time with friends and family.

  • Dr Corinna Proehl

    Dr Corinna Proehl

    Dr Corinna Proehl grew up in Germany and graduated at the University of Wurzburg where she also finished her PhD in Cardiology. She has been working as a doctor in New Zealand since 1988 and is a Fellow of the RNZCGP.

    She enjoys all aspects of General Practice. Corinna is married to a Kiwi with two adult sons. She enjoys the New Zealand outdoors with tramping, fishing and an always present collection of farm animal that need nursing back to health.

  • Nurse Practitioner Yvonne Little

    Nurse Practitioner Yvonne Little

    CpRN/PGDip (Advanced Nursing)/MN/NP

    Yvonne was born and raised in Hawke’s Bay and graduated as a Comprehensive RN in 1985. She worked in Auckland and then Western Australia in medical/surgical, orthopaedics, burns/plastics, midwifery, paediatrics, and new-born Intensive Care. Yvonne joined The Doctors in 2003 as a Registered Nurse, going on to graduate as a Nurse Practitioner in 2016. She is a member of the NZ College of Primary Health Care Nurses, Executive and Editor of their journal and their representative on the National Cervical Screening Programme Advisory and Action Group. Special Interests: Women’s Health, Paediatrics and Diabetes Outside of work Yvonne enjoys gardening, craftwork, and genealogy.

  • Dr Andrew Rigby

    Dr Andrew Rigby

    Dr Andrew Rigby grew up in England and graduated from the University of East Anglia, UK in 2008. He became a member of the Royal College of General Practitioners in 2014 and has spent the past 10 years working in Scotland. He joined The Doctors in February 2022. He has a particular interest in General Practice, Musculoskeletal medicine and Dementia. Outside of work he can mostly be found on the golf course, enjoying the Hawke’s Bay sunshine.

  • Dr Godwin Marufu

    Dr Godwin Marufu


  • Dr Sarah West

    Dr Sarah West

    Dr West graduated from St George’s Hospital Medical School, University of London in 2001. Sarah was an Officer in the British Army for 7 years. Her GP training was completed in the UK graduating as a Member of the Royal College of GPs. She has interests in Musculo Skeletal medicine.

  • Dr Sakhina Ahmad

    Dr Sakhina Ahmad

    Started with The Doctors Hastings in 2011.

  • Dr Rhys Parry

    Dr Rhys Parry

    MBChB DipPaeds PGDip (Health management) BAppSci

    Special interests: Paediatrics, Accident and Medical. 

    Rhys was born but not raised in Hawke’s Bay but has been back for more than a decade now and at The Doctors Hastings since 2014. He is a GP, an urgent care doctor, and a clinical editor for HealthPathways. He has two kids who take up a fair amount of his time outside of work as does running the streets or hills of Hawke’s Bay.


  • Dr Kevin Choy

    Dr Kevin Choy

    FRNZCGP - Director

    Experience / Special interest: General practice, family health, minor surgery, dermatology.

  • Dr Brett Starck

    Dr Brett Starck

    MBChB (UCT), MFGP (SA), FRNZCGP - Director

    Dr Brett Starck has been with The Doctors Hastings since 1994. He graduated from the University of Cape Town, South Africa, in 1986 and has practiced medicine in South Africa, the United Kingdom and New Zealand. Dr Starck's areas of special interest are General Practice and Ear, Nose & Throat. Outside work he is married with two adult children who are university graduates.

Latest News

May Newsletter

Click here for our latest newsletter and what is going on in our practice to meet your needs.

General Enquiries and Feedback

  • We welcome your feedback and always strive to provide the best care and advice. Please let us know by completing the patient feedback and General Enquiries form below. 

    (Please do not send clinical queries via this form. To book an appointment or request a prescription please log in to the online portal or phone reception)

  • Important to know

    • Green Cross Health and The Doctors medical centres follow this feedback management process in accordance with guidelines set by the Health and Disability Commissioner
    • If your feedback is sensitive or involves medical centre management, please contact Green Cross Health by emailing
    • You can ask for help and advice from The NZ Advocacy service. The Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service is a free service that operates independently from all health and disability service providers and agencies.
    • If you have concerns you are welcome to contact the Health and Disability Commission (HDC) about our service. Anyone can use this service, including the person who received the care, a family member or friend of the person who received the care, or a health or disability service provider or concerned person.
    • If you feel your privacy has been breached involving your own or other people's personal information, you can complain to the Privacy Commission