Staffing updates
We have said farewell to Dr Lesley Darcy who is now working in Auckland with Dr Lucey. We are currently recruiting for two roles and will reallocate patients when a replacement starts. The Women's Health Clinic will be reintroduced when we have filled these roles.
Dr Joost van Rens is currently on leave. We will update his appointment template when he is due to return.
We have a new trainee General Practitioner Dr Asanga Nanayakkara who started on Tuesday 28th January. He is being mentored by Dr Tom Currie and will be with us for six months.
Dr Laura Matthews will be with us as a Locum GP for a few months while she arranges her move to Auckland for the next stage of her training.
Nurse phone calls
Due to the large increase in requests for a nurse phone call, we will be following other GP surgeries in the area and charging for some of these calls. If the call is initiated by us, or is for a triage for a same day appointment there will be no cost incurred. Please ask us if you would like further information. Please note that blood test results requested by The Doctors Richmond are available on the Drs App, which can be accessed via a web browser or on your smartphone/tablet. We do not contact you about your test result if they are normal, or are abnormal but within expected limits.
Unfortunately if you do not cancel your appointment and Do Not Attend you will be charged a full fee. CSC holders will be charged a non CSC holder fee as we are not able to claim the government subsidy.
There is now a The Doctors Richmond Facebook page so that we can keep you up to date with news.
The February newsletter has been e-mailed to patients on our database who have not asked for 'no contact'. This will also be available as a hard copy to read in the waiting area shortly and can be accessed at the following site
When ordering through the prescription e-mail please ensure that you add which pharmacy you would like the e-mail to go to. This e-mail is only for prescription requests. If you do not receive a notification that we have issued your prescription please call the pharmacy before collecting to check that it has been received by them.
Please note that any urgent prescriptions need to be requested through the prescription e-mail with a high priority and urgent on the subject line. Routine requests have a turnaround time of 48 hours.
Phone lines
Mondays are our busiest days as we find that there are many patients calling to request an urgent appointment. Please bear with us if there is a time delay waiting for us to answer your call, we will be assisting other patients.
The Drs App
Please reach out to us of you are having problems setting up/accessing the App. On most occasions this is because the e-mail address or phone number needs updating on our system so it is simple to remedy.
Pay in advance
If you have not booked your GP appointment via the App you will be asked by Reception to pay on arrival. If you are unable to pay in full we are happy to assist with setting up an Automatic Payment or WINZ redirections.
Health Improvement Practitioner
Our Health Improvement Practitioner is available four days a week and can help with
- Stress, anxiety, low mood
- Managing thoughts, feelings and behaviors
- Sleep
- Coping with grief and loss
- Alcohol and smoking
- Coping with chronic health conditions
- Perimenopause / menopause