Cost effective, personalised care
At The Doctors medical centres our aim is to make your travel preparation easy, cost-effective and tailored to your needs. It's important to get the right vaccinations and health advice before you go, including how to stay safe and healthy while you're away. We'll help you:
- plan for a healthy and safe trip
- get the right vaccines, medications and advice for the right countries
- manage complicated medical issues, families, school groups or business travel
- with any post-travel health needs or illnesses
3 easy steps: 4-6 weeks prior to travel
Step 1: Select the medical centre nearest you
Choose The Doctors medical centre nearest you from this list to book your Travel Health consultation with - at least 4-6 weeks prior to departure.
The Doctors Huapai, North West area
The Doctors Fred Thomas, Takapuna, North Shore
The Doctors St Heliers, East Auckland
The Doctors Ti Rakau, East Auckland & Botany area
The Doctors Phoenix, Whakatane *please use The Doctors Phoenix website for their travel form
Team Medical, Kapiti Coast, Paraparaumu |
The Doctors Motueka, Tasman Region |
The Doctors Whakatipu (Frankton), Otago Region |
The Doctors Whakatipu (Lower Shotover), Otago Region |
Step 2: Complete a Travel Health Questionnaire for each person
At least 4-6 weeks prior to departure, download the Travel Health Questionnaire below. Complete directly into the document and save a separate file for each person. Have your itinerary nearby to do this.
Click the medical centre link above to email them all completed forms at least 3 days before you need your appointment. We will review your information ahead of your visit.
Step 3: Book your Travel Health appointment
We will contact you to book your travel appointment at the medical centre you selected. Appointments are normally 45 mins. Depending on your needs an appointment could be face-to-face or virtual. For pricing information please talk directly with each medical centre.

We advise booking 4-6 weeks in advance because some vaccines require more than one dose, a week or two apart. This allows time for the vaccines to start working before you leave.
Our medical team works together to provide you with the very best travel advice. This includes the latest preventative measures for insect borne diseases including malaria, dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis and much more. We can also provide you with recommendations for avoiding accident and injury, first aid, jet lag, diarrhoea and motion sickness.
Helpful general international travel information