The Doctors Mt Wellington

The Doctors Mt Wellington Medical Centre

Welcome to our practice 

Here at Mt Wellington Medical Clinic we recently changed our name to The Doctors Mt Wellington. Next time you visit you’ll notice some new signs and branding, but everything else remains the same. We have the same medical team here to continue providing care as they always have and still a family-centred medical centre offering a full range of general practice services to you and your family.

Did you know that a Nurse Practitioner can enrol patients? You can enrol under a Nurse Practitioner, as they offer the same services as General Practitioners, with two exceptions: they cannot sign permanent injury claims or refer pregnant women for gestational dating scans.

We also have a vasectomy clinic on site run by our own Dr Loos using the "no-scalpel" method - visit the Auckland Vasectomy Clinic website here

We’re now taking bookings for flu vaccines. It’s free for people who meet the eligibility criteria. You can still get a flu vaccine if you’re not eligible for a funded one, for a small fee. 

For enrolled patients, click the link below to book an appointment for a flu vaccine.

Book Flu Vaccine

Please note that we have flu vaccination appointments available outside of the Flu Clinic times listed. Contact us to book one today.

For casual patients, please call us to book an appointment. 

Covid-19 Tests & Results
If you have Covid-19 symptoms or are a household contact of a positive case please phone us to arrange your test. Most testing is now done via Rapid Antigen Testing (RATs) with results available within 30mins. You will need to self-report your result via My COVID Record or by calling 0800 222 478 and pressing option 3. The majority of positive cases will be able to self-manage and required to follow current isolation rules. If you have concerns or if your symptoms are worsening, call us on 09 579 6953 or 111 in an emergency.

Managing a Positive Result
Click here for managing a positive result and your symptoms at home.

Covid-19 Vaccinations
Click here for details.

Phone 09 579 6953 to book and tell us if you have any Covid-19 symptoms. We will explain what to do when coming into the practice. Please wear a mask at all times.

How To Book An Appointment

For enrolled patients

Click the link below to book an appointment with our GPs and medical team.

Book Appointment

For enrolled patients, we recommend using our patient portal, The Doctors App. Log in via the app on your phone or the desktop version to view available practitioners and appointments.

Please note: Booking through the app is available for enrolled patients only. If you don’t have a login, please create an account here. If you have just enrolled, please note that you won’t have access to The Doctors App until we have confirmed your enrolment via email. If you are unsure, please call us.

To Download ‘The Doctors App’ on your mobile:

1.    Scan the QR code below, or click on the Apple or Google Play buttons which will take you directly to the app store to download it.

       Qr code Description automatically generated 

2.    Select ‘Create Account’ and enter the unique practice invite code: MTWE

3.    Enter your details. Please make sure your name, date of birth, and mobile number match the details you gave us when you enrolled with us. 

Enrol With Us

<span id="Enrol-With-Us">Enrol With Us</span>

We warmly welcome new patients

When you enrol with us, some of the benefits include:

  • Reminders and recalls for important health management
  • Pay less to see the doctor than non-enrolled patients
  • Access to our online patient portal to book appointment, order repeat prescriptions and to view lab test results
  • There is more information here about why it’s great to be enrolled

Enrolling with us means you understand and accept our standard terms and conditions

There’s no need to come into the clinic, you can enrol online - it’s secure and confidential. The online form will guide you and you will need to upload suitable identification.  

Enrol Online Here

We warmly welcome new patients

When you enrol with us, some of the benefits include:

  • Reminders and recalls for important health management
  • Pay less to see the doctor than non-enrolled patients
  • Access to our online patient portal to book appointment, order repeat prescriptions and to view lab test results
  • There is more information here about why it’s great to be enrolled

Enrolling with us means you understand and accept our standard terms and conditions

There’s no need to come into the clinic, you can enrol online - it’s secure and confidential. The online form will guide you and you will need to upload suitable identification:  

Online Patient Portal

<span id="Patient-Portal">Online Patient Portal</span>


Our patients use The Doctors App as their online patient portal, an easy-to-use tool designed to empower them to manage their healthcare conveniently.

About The Doctors App

  • Book and manage appointments quickly
  • Request repeat prescriptions
  • View lab test results
  • Access a summary of your health information
  • Easily connect with your general practice team
  • Secure login with passcode or facial recognition – no more forgetting usernames and passwords

The Doctors App is available for download on mobile devices and is also accessible via web browsers.

  • Book and manage appointments quickly
  • Request repeat prescriptions
  • View lab test results
  • A summary of your health information
  • Great way to connect with us, your general practice team
  • Passcode, touch/facial recognition – no more forgetting your username and password!

Download The Doctors App

  1. It’s easy, scan this QR code to download or find ‘The Doctors’ on Google Play or the App Store

Qr code

Description automatically generated

  1. Select ‘create account’ and enter our special invite code: MTWE
  2. Enter your details – these must match what your practice holds on file
While The Doctors is best experienced on the app, it can also be accessed online. You can use the above invite code to create an account online.

Our Services

Minor Accident Care

We offer a range of services and are able to deal with most minor accident care. If we are not able to deal with an injury we will refer you onto the appropriate service.

Adult and Child Medical Care

Your GP's surgery is far more than a place to go when you are feeling unwell and needing a quick cure. The doctor who sees you has gone through an extensive medical training to help children and adults of all ages with a range of physical and emotional difficulties. GPs are at the centre of the healthcare hub and will be aware of services and expertise that are available locally and further-a-field. GPs are also aware of the link that stress and unhappy life events have on physical health so know when to suggest a talking therapy rather than medication.

Minor Surgery

Minor surgery provides fast, competent removal and biopsies of skin lesions. Other services include cosmetic work such as removal of benign moles and skin tags. Ingrown toenail surgery is also provided. 

Fees for minor surgery usually start at $300.00 and increase from this price depending on the type and amount of surgery required. The fee is set by the doctor and can be discussed at the pre surgery appointment.


If a man decides he does not want to father children, he may choose to have a vasectomy which is a simple and effective method of sterilisation.
During this surgical procedure, the vas deferens (the tubes carrying sperm from the testicles to the penis) are cut. A vasectomy can be carried out in our surgery and takes between 30 and 60 minutes. Dr Loos carries out vasectomy procedures using the "no scalpel" method.

Auckland Vasectomy Clinic operates out of the The Doctors Mt Wellington's premises.

Repeat Prescriptions

Enrolled patients can get a repeat prescription for up to three months at a time. We do not offer a repeat prescription service to patients who are not known to us and there are some restrictions for certain medications where doctors are expected to monitor these drugs carefully.

How to order a repeat prescription:

  • Regular medication can be requested through the patient portal - The Doctors App
  • Phone the medical centre and request your medication with the Receptionist.
  • Send us an email with the medication needed –

Prescriptions can be collected from our reception or sent directly to the pharmacy.

If you are wanting your prescription sent to a pharmacy, we must have the full and correct name of the pharmacy.

24 hours notice is required for a prescription to be processed.
Standard prescriptions require 2 working days to prepare.
Urgent prescriptions will incur additional fees

Standard prescription fee - $25.00

Please note:

  • Prescription requests are at the discretion of the doctor and you may be asked to book an appointment to see the GP in order to obtain your medication.
  • If money is owing on your account we ask that this is settled prior to requesting a repeat prescription. However we do understand there may be circumstances where this is not possible, so please call us and we can discuss options.

Lab Results

Sometimes your doctor needs to take a sample of blood or urine either to discover what is wrong with you or to measure something in your blood so that the right medication is given to you. These tests could be anything from blood sugar to a full blood count or a sample of tissue to test for cancer.

While urine can generally be tested in the surgery, blood and other specimens are usually sent away for testing at a laboratory. Most results come back within 48 hours unless it is a specialised test which can take up to 3 weeks.

Patients can obtain their results:

  • Most results once checked by the doctor will be available on the patient portal – The Doctors App
  • Please call and ask for your results from the Practice Nurse

Liquid Nitrogen

Liquid nitrogen is a fast, effective treatment to treat viral warts, sun damaged skin, skin tags and many benign cosmetic lesions. It comes in a container with a nozzle and is usually applied by swab or spray. Often one treatment is all that is needed but sometimes it may need repeating after two weeks. Because it cannot be stored for too long, you will often find that your GP will treat a number of patients one after the other. 

For more information click here.

Liquid Nitrogen is available every day and is administered by the doctor.

Cost: $15.00 This is in addition to usual consultation fee.

IUCD Insertion

An Intrauterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD) is inserted into a woman’s uterus to prevent pregnancy. Depending on the type of device, it will need to be changed after between three and five years.  
One particular brand of IUCD is often used to reduce heavy bleeding during periods. 

Cost: $110.00 


Immunisation has led to the decline of many lethal diseases including, most recently, meningococcal B meningitis. The National Immunisation Schedule offers a series of vaccines free to babies, children, adolescents and adults. Visit the Ministry of Health website to find out what vaccines are on the Schedule and when they are given. 

Additional vaccines are provided free for certain eligible groups considered to be at high risk because of other medical conditions; find out more here. These and other vaccines such as travel vaccines can be purchased by other people if they want them.

Immunisations are given by a practice nurse or doctor, having ensured beforehand that the person is not ill or suffering from allergies. Risks associated with immunisation are very rare.

Children have their own document to keep a record of these injections. Under the age of 5 this is usually their Well Child/Tamariki Ora My Health Book. The immunisation record may need to be shown, for example, when starting school or early childcare. The staff will also record the immunisation details on New Zealand’s National Immunisation Register. This computerised information system holds details of all immunisations given to children here and will alert families when immunisations are due.

Please call the surgery and speak with the practice nurse to make an immunisation appointment.

Cervical Smears

All women who have ever been sexually active should have regular cervical smear tests every three years between the ages of 20 and 70. This includes women who have been immunised against HPV. This test detects abnormal cells which, if left untreated, could become cervical cancer. Very often these cells are made abnormal by a human papillomavirus (HPV) which is a sexually transmitted virus. Regular tests and treatment reduces the likelihood of this sort of cancer by around 90%. 

For more information about cervical smear tests click on the link to the National Screening Unit website 

Cost: $10.00. This is in addition to usual consultation fee if done by the doctor, $20.00 if the smear is done by our Practice Nurse.


An ECG is a recording of your heart's electrical activity. Electrode patches are attached to your skin to measure the electrical impulses given off by your heart. The result is a trace that can be read by a doctor. It can give information of previous heart attacks or problems with the heart rhythm.

Cost: $35.00 This is in addition to usual consultation fee.

Travel Advice / Immunisations

Before travelling to another country you may need to protect yourself with other immunisations which not required in NZ - for example if you are travelling to Africa or South America. In some places you will need protection from rabies or malaria. Yellow fever vaccinations are only available at approved centres; please click here to view the centres in the Auckland region. Your doctor will be able to tell you what diseases you will need to be protected from in any named country and advise you on other medical matters. 

Well Child / Tamariki Ora Health Checks - Birth to Three Years

All New Zealand children are entitled to 11 free health checks from birth to three years. The checks aim to ensure that children are growing and developing as well as possible. Included in the checks are clinical assessment, health education and family/whanau support.

Baby checks are at birth and then at 24 hours, five days and around 2-4 weeks. Babies are weighed and measured to ensure that they are developing correctly. These sessions provide a great opportunity for parents to ask questions from an expert and have any problem addressed; difficulties with breastfeeding or sleep for example. They can also be used to discuss immunisations and vaccinations. These checks will be carried out by your lead maternity carer (LMC).

Between the ages of 4-6 weeks and three years, there are seven core health checks available, typically these are around 4-6 weeks, 8-10 weeks, 3-4 months, 5-7 months, 9-12 months, 15-18 months and 2-3 years. These checks may be carried out by a Well Child Provider of your choice e.g. Plunket, Maori health provider, community nurse, a general practice team (doctor and practice nurse). Your LMC will be able to give you a list of Well Child Providers in your area.

More information about Well Child services is available on the Ministry of Health website.

Standard Hours

Monday to Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm

 Closed weekends and public holidays. 


Patient Fees

Enrolled Patient Fees

0 - 13 years FREE FREE
14 - 17 years $40.00 $19.50
18 - 24 years $60.00 $19.50
25 - 64 years $60.00 $19.50
65+ years $60.00 $19.50

Pricing effective from 1st July 2023

Read our Standard Payment Terms and Conditions here.

Casual Patient Fees

0 - 5 years FREE FREE
6 - 17 years $25.00 $19.50
18+ years $75.00 $60.00

Pricing effective from 1st July 2024

Read our Standard Payment Terms and Conditions here.

International Patients not entitled to Health Care Funding

0-5yrs $60.00  6-13yrs $60.00  14-65yrs $120.00

ACC Fees

First visit $60.00
CSC $19.50

Pricing effective from 1st July 2023

Read our Standard Payment Terms and Conditions here.

Standard Payment Terms and Conditions

The Cost of Health Care in New Zealand

Healthcare in New Zealand is a mixture of free and subsidised services, where patients pay a fee to cover some of the costs of providing healthcare services.

Free and subsidised care is only available to New Zealand residents, with exceptions in some cases for visitors from countries like the UK and Australia where New Zealand have reciprocal agreements. Ask our reception team if you think you may be entitled to a funded service for your visit or have any other questions on our fees.

Useful Information About Fees at The Doctors

  • Payment is due the day of consultation or service - prior to your appointment.
  • Repeat prescriptions must be paid for before the prescription is issued or sent to a pharmacy.
  • All fees are based on a single appointment, extended consultations may incur additional charges. Fees may vary due to the time taken and materials used.
  • Medical consumables will be charged separately.
  • Weekends, afterhours and public holidays will incur additional fees
  • Accounts may only be set up with the approval of the Medical Centre Manager.
  • Accounts that are unpaid will be sent to Debt Collection. The debtor (patient) is responsible for all debt collection fees.
  • Normal consultation charges apply to Virtual or Phone Consultations.
  • Newly enrolled patients may require a double appointment for their first visit. A double appointment fee will apply.
  • Four hours cancellation notice for a booked appointment is required. Non-attendance will incur a normal consultation fee.
  • Our practice nurses are skilled professionals and there is a fee when you see them for advice or services.
  • If you have a Community Services Card, you may be eligible for a reduced consultation or prescription fee.
  • If not paid in full an additional $10.00 fee will be charged for all age groups

Pay Online

Our practice will email or text your unique Medeor Pay by Link. It will give you access to view outstanding invoices on your account and flexible ways to pay. There may be a small transaction fee. 

Our Team

Mandeeps Manage  
  • Dr Natasha Bansal

    Dr Natasha Bansal

    I am of Tongan and Indian descent, but I was born and raised in Central Auckland. I graduated from Auckland Medical School in 2012 and have been working in General Practice since 2014. I have a special interest in skin and women’s health. I enjoy the continuity of care and the problem solving that General Practice provides.

  • Rowena Harris - Medical Centre Manager

    Rowena Harris - Medical Centre Manager


  • Monique Pearce - Nurse Practitioner

    Monique Pearce - Nurse Practitioner

    Monique has been practicing as an Authorised NP since 2017

    She holds a clinical Master of Nursing degree from the University of Auckland, in a Primary Lifespan scope, this allows Monique to manage the complete clinical care of the patient with a wide range of issues in much the same way as a GP would. Autonomous decision-making including assessment, diagnosis, treatment/prescribing for patients with complex multidimensional problems. Monique has experience in burns intensive care/ plastic at MMH, community nursing, plus training in Diagnostic lab working in Cytology and Histology in public and private laboratories.

  • Dr Dexter Loos

    Dr Dexter Loos

    Dexter Loos completed his medical studies at Auckland University graduating in 1981. He has been working as a GP at the Mount Wellington Medical Clinic since 1985. As well as providing comprehensive family medicine, he has a special interest in the diagnosis and treatment of skin lesions including skin cancers. He also has extensive experience in performing vasectomy operations. He is an affiliated provider to Southern Cross Healthcare for both skin surgery and vasectomies.

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If you have feedback or would like to discuss a concern you have with our service, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email ( or phone (09 579 6953). Your healthcare is our top priority, and we’re here to support you.