What is a Community Services Card?
The Community Services Card is a Ministry of Health initiative that is run by Work & Income. It helps individuals and their families with the costs of health care. It entitles the holder and their family to a reduction in the cost of some health services and prescriptions.
Who is eligible for a Community Services Card?
You may be eligible for a Community Services Card if you are 16 years or over, on a low to middle income, living in public housing, are an Accommodation Supplement recipient, a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident and normally live in New Zealand or intend to stay here. You may also be eligible if you have, or have applied for, refugee status.
How do I apply for a Community Services Card?
The Community Services Card is run by Work & Income. To apply for a Community Services Card you will need an application form and to provide 3 documents as proof of identity to Work & Income. You can download the application form from the Work & Income website, ring Work & Income on 0800 999 999 and ask for one or visit a Work & Income service centre. The completed form and proof if identity needs to be sent to: Seniors Support Centre, Ministry of Social Development, PO Box 5054, Wellington 6145.
From 1 December 2018 many of our medical centres are reducing doctor and nurse standard consultation fees for Community Services Card holders. Please ask at reception for more information about these changes.