Gain Health Centre

Gain Health Centre

Welcome to our practice

Gain Health Centre provides general practice family healthcare. We believe in caring for our patients with compassion. We offer a range of services provided by our team of Doctors and Registered Nurses 
Click to access our latest newsletter


We are pleased to announce we are running our annual  ‘Wellness Day’ on 24 May 2025.  All medical services available on the day will be free.

There will be free face painting, sausage sizzles and spot prizes on the day. 



Need to see a GP after-hours? 

For casual online consultations please use The Doctors Online, offering same day telehealth GP appointments to suit you.(excludes weekends and public holidays).

Need virtual after-hours care? We recommend Practice Plus, who offer online GP appointments after hours, weekends and public holidays.


Repeat Prescriptions

Urgent Request

If you require your prescription urgently on the same day the request needs to be received before 12pm that day – there is an additional charge for this. 

Prescription Time Frame Prepayment

We aim to process your prescription request within a 48-hour weekday period. Please be aware you will usually need to see your GP every 12 months for a medication review so they can safely continue to prescribe. 


Prepayment for repeat prescriptions is required prior to processing the prescription.

B12 Prescriptions 

The government has made changes to the funding of the B12 vials. We are now able to order and hold stock of B12 vials onsite at Gain health centre again. This means you will no longer require a prescription from your GP. The nurse consult fee for administering the B12 still applies. 


Walk-In Consultation (Gain Health does not have a Walk-In clinic) 

In order to adequately cover the increased costs of unforeseen walk-ins, the cost to patients for walk-in consultations will be the normal consultation fee (enrolled or casual) plus an additional $20.00.

To clarify, a walk-in is when there is no booked appointment - the patient has just walked in. This is not for an appointment that has been told to come in following a triage call.

Please note there is no walk-in fee for patients aged 13 years or under. 



Due to high call volumes requesting test results, we thought it would be best to provide all our patients with the following information:

How long will it take to get a result? 

If tests are requested by a GP from Gain Health Centre most results come back to the practice in 1 or 2 days; some can take 3-4 weeks. Results will be reviewed by the health professional who requested the test as soon as possible after they have been received. If your tests have been requested by a clinician outside of Gain Health Centre, please follow up with the requesting clinician.  

How will I find out my results?

If the test is abnormal or any further action is needed, your doctor or nurse will contact you by phone, or text.  Please provide us with your latest contact details (you can check this with reception).
All normal and stable results will be available on Manage My Health once reviewed and filed by the GP. As a safety net we advise you to check Manage My Health to ensure your results have come through. We do not routinely contact patients to advise of normal or stable results. 

If you would like to discuss your results with your doctor please  book a follow up appointment. A normal GP charge will apply. 

Here are some tips on making the most of your doctor appointment. Click here to learn more.

Covid-19 Tests & Results
If you have Covid-19 symptoms or are a household contact of a positive case please phone us to arrange your test. Most testing is now done via Rapid Antigen Testing (RATs) with results available within 30mins. You will need to self-report your result via My COVID Record or by calling 0800 222 478 and pressing option 3. The majority of positive cases will be able to self-manage and required to follow current isolation rules. If you have concerns or if your symptoms are worsening, call us on 04 528 5353 or 111 in an emergency.

Managing a Positive Result
Click here for managing a positive result and your symptoms at home.

Covid-19 Vaccinations
Click here for details.

Many consults are virtual (phone or video), with some in person. Phone 04 528 5353 to book and tell us if you have any Covid-19 symptoms. We will explain what to do when coming into the practice. Please wear a mask at all times.

Choice of appointments and how to book them

In Person

Enrol With Us

Our enrolment capacity is currently limited.

We are operating on a one-in/one-out basis. Please contact the practice to join the waitlist. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. Your healthcare is our highest priority, and we will reopen enrolments when we are able. Thank you for understanding.

If you need to speak to a GP, we can offer you an online consultation, usually on the same day. With The Doctors Online, you can book a casual appointment and connect with a doctor via phone or video call. Before you book, check our FAQs to make sure your health concerns are suitable for an online appointment - Book Here

Our Services

Our Core Services

  • ACC
  • Advanced Care Planning
  • Babies
  • Cardiovascular Risk
  • Cold and Flu
  • Contraception
  • Diabetes
  • Joint Injections
  • Long Term Conditions
  • Medicals
  • Men's Health
  • Mental Health
  • Quit Smoking
  • Sexual Health & STI's
  • Smears
  • Women's Health
  • IUD and Pipelle Clinic
  • Skin Clinic

Health Improvement Practitioner

Health Improvement Practitioners are registered health professionals who can teach you strategies to manage mental, emotional, and physical health problems and collaborate with you to make a plan that will enhance your wellbeing and quality of life. Find out more here.

Health Coach

Health Coaches can walk alongside you to help gain knowledge, skills, and confidence to help you reach your health goals. Find out more here.

Toe Nail Wedge Resection

Dr Andrew Dunn is available for Toe Nail Wedge Resection procedures for registered and casual patients.

Initial appointment -

Registered Patient - Usual GP appointment charge

Casual patient - $75.00

Toe Nail Wedge Resection Procedure -

All Patients - $325.00

Flu Vaccinations


Flu Vaccinations

The flu vaccine is available from 1 April each year. It’s recommended everyone over 6 months old gets a flu vaccination every year.
Funded influenza vaccinations are available for those who meet Pharmac’s eligibility criteria:
•    pregnant people at any stage of pregnancy
•    people aged 65 years and over
•    people aged 6 months to under 65 years with eligible conditions
•    children 4 years of age and under who have been hospitalised for respiratory illness or have a history of significant respiratory illness
•    people aged 6 months to under 65 years with serious mental health and addiction conditions

Un-funded flu vaccines are available to everyone else for $36.00.

Please call Reception on 04 5285353 to book your flu vaccine appointment at Gain Health Centre. Flu Vaccines are available from 2nd of April

Women's Health and Skin Clinics

Dr Elke Chantelau is now offering Women's Health and Skin Clinics. To read more about this please click here

Gain Health Centre Consultation Time

A standard GP consult at Gain Health is for 15 minutes, if you have more than one issue please book for a double consult (30 minutes).

A double consult is charged at twice the normal consult fee.

If your consult runs over the normal 15 minute consult time you will be charged for a double consult.

Gain Health Centre Credit Card Payments

As of 7 August 2023 there will be a 2% surcharge on all credit card payments.


All referrals will incur an additional charge. 

Manage My Health 

Patient messaging via Manage My Health has been suspended due to high work volume and low resources.

Please note prescriptions can still be ordered via Mange My Health.

Standard Hours

Monday 8:30am – 5:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 6:30pm
Wednesday 7:30am - 5:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 5:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm
Closed weekends and public holidays

After Hours

If you need medical attention outside these hours please phone 04 567 5345 or go to Lower Hutt After Hours Medical Centre, 729 High Street, Lower Hutt. They are open from Monday - Friday 5:30pm - 10pm and Saturday - Sunday 8am - 10pm. 

If you have a medical emergency, call 111

Patient Fees- All Services Incur A Charge

Enrolled Patient Fees

Age Standard CSC
0-13 years FREE FREE
14-17 years $55.00 $13.00
18-24 years $65.00 $19.50
25-64 years $70.00 $19.50
65+ years $70.00 $19.50
Walk In additional $10.00  

Read our Standard Payment Terms and Conditions here

Nurse Consultation Fees

NON CSC Holder    
Ordinary Consult $42.00  
Short Consult $28.00  
Casual Nurse Consult (NCAS) $52.00  
Nurse Phone Calls $10.00  

CSC Holder
Ordinary Consult                       $42.00  
Short Consult $28.00  

Read our Standard Payment Terms and Conditions here

Repeat Prescription Fees

        48 hours  same day            
Adult with CSC Card       $19.50      $29.50             
Adult without CSC Card       $36.50      $41.00            
Child 14-17 years with CSC Card       $13.00      $23.00            
Child 14-17 years       $21.00      $31.00             
Child under 14 years       $FREE            


Read our Standard Payment Terms and Conditions here

Service Fees

  Punch Biopsy                 $160.00

Minor Surgery $440.00 Base fee, may incur extra fee if additional material required + items if extra
ECG $65.00  
Liquid Nitrogen $35.00  
Pharmacists Consultation $65.00  
Referral Letter $36.50  
Forms $36.50-$143.75 Completion of forms without consultation
BP Monitor Hire $38.00  
Drivers Licence Medical $130.00  
IUD Insertion Registered patient $195.00  

Read our Standard Payment Terms and Conditions here

Casual Patient Fees

Our casual fee rate is $105.00

Overseas Visitor Fee $210.00


Read our Standard Payment Terms and Conditions here

ACC Fees

Age Standard CSC              Casual
0-13 years FREE FREE            $50.00
14-17 years $55.00 $13.00           $70.00
18-24 years $65.00 $19.50           $105.00
25-64 years $70.00 $19.50           $105.00
65+ years $70.00 $19.50           $105.00

Read our Standard Payment Terms and Conditions here 

Standard Payment Terms and Conditions

The Cost of Health Care in New Zealand

Healthcare in New Zealand is a mixture of free and subsidised services, where patients pay a fee to cover some of the costs of providing healthcare services.

Free and subsidised care is only available to New Zealand residents, with exceptions in some cases for visitors from countries like the UK and Australia where New Zealand have reciprocal agreements. Ask our reception team if you think you may be entitled to a funded service for your visit or have any other questions on our fees.

Useful Information About Fees at The Doctors

  • Payment is due the day of consultation or service - prior to your appointment.
  • Repeat prescriptions must be paid for before the prescription is issued or sent to a pharmacy.
  • All fees are based on a single appointment, extended consultations may incur additional charges. Fees may vary due to the time taken and materials used.
  • Medical consumables will be charged separately.
  • Weekends, afterhours and public holidays will incur additional fees
  • Accounts may only be set up with the approval of the Medical Centre Manager.
  • Accounts that are unpaid will be sent to Debt Collection. The debtor (patient) is responsible for all debt collection fees.
  • Normal consultation charges apply to Virtual or Phone Consultations.
  • Newly enrolled patients may require a double appointment for their first visit. A double appointment fee will apply.
  • Four hours cancellation notice for a booked appointment is required. Non-attendance will incur a normal consultation fee.
  • Our practice nurses are skilled professionals and there is a fee when you see them for advice or services.
  • If you have a Community Services Card, you may be eligible for a reduced consultation or prescription fee.
  • If not paid in full an additional $10.00 fee will be charged for all age groups

Dr Elke Chantelau Fees

Menopause Clinic  
Registered Patients - 30 minutes $195.00
Registered Patients CSC - 30 minutes $195.00
Casual Patients - 30 minutes $220.00
IUD Appointments  
Initial Appointment  
Registered Patient - Usual GP Fee  
Casual Patient $105.00
IUD Insertion  
Registered Patient $195.00
Casual Patient $220.00
Some medical conditions are eligible for funding  
Registered Patient $195.00
Registered Patient CSC $195.00
Casual Patient $220.00
Registered Patient $195.00
Registered Patient CSC $195.00
Casual Patient $220.00
Skin Clinic Initial 30 Minutes  
Registered Patient $195.00
Registered Patient CSC $195.00
Casual Patient $220.00


Double Consult

Consults Fee X 2

House Call


DNA (Did Not Attend) Charges

We have had a number of queries recently about DNA charges. These are charges that are applied when a booked appointment is not attended, or in the case of a phone consult when the clinician has been unable to contact the patient.

Due to the high demand for appointments and the value of our clinicians time it is necessary to charge for any missed appointments. Non attendance of booked appointments can result in other patients not being able to be seen in a timely manner.

 We do send out a text message 24 hours before your appointment time so that you have plenty of opportunity to cancel your appointment. The DNA charge will NOT be removed.

Thankyou for your understanding.

Our Team

Mandeeps Manage  
  • Extended Care Paramedic Matthew Page

    Extended Care Paramedic Matthew Page

    Extended Care Paramedic (ECP)

  • Nurse Prescriber Paulo Macapili

    Nurse Prescriber Paulo Macapili

    I am Paulo Macapili, a registered nurse prescriber, now joining the team at Gain Health Centre. I am originally from the Philippines, and have started working as a registered nurse in an aged care facility. I have vast experience in palliative care nursing in various healthcare settings as an in-patient nurse, community nurse and just recently as part of the hospital palliative care team. I decided to venture into primary health and join the lovely team at Gain Health Centre to further expand my nursing career, and to serve my local community. 

    Outside work, I enjoy walking my small pooch in the park, enjoy a cuppa with friends at local cafés, and enjoy lap swimming. 

  • Support Worker Jenna Wharewera

    Support Worker Jenna Wharewera

    Ko Jenna Wharewera tōku ingoa
    He uri tēnei nō Ngāti Awa me Tūhoe ahau

    Kia ora
    I’m Jenna, the Access and Choice Support Worker for Gain Health Centre. 
    The Access and Choice service offers free support for people with mild to moderate needs. We work alongside you for up to 3 months, providing short-term support that can help connect you to a range of support services that can help with:

    • Physical health or healthy lifestyle     
    • Managing drug use, drinking or gambling 
    • Emotional health & wellbeing    
    • Family/whānau issues 
    • Housing     
    • Money matters
    • Social engagement     
    • Work and Income
    • Paid work     
    • Loneliness
    • Managing medications and medication planning    

    For more information, please ask at reception or enquire with your GP.

  • Health Coach Kathleen Kirkpatrick

    Health Coach Kathleen Kirkpatrick

    Kia ora, My name is Kathleen, I am the Health Coach here at Gain Health Centre on Mondays. My role is to support you to manage your own health and well-being through lifestyle and behavioural changes. I can provide health and wellbeing support around:

    • Prediabetes/diabetes management
    • Weight management
    • Healthy eating
    • Being active
    • Quitting smoking
    • Living well with long-term conditions

    This service is funded so there is no charge involved. 

    Appointments take up to 45 minutes. 

    To book a consult talk to your GP/NURSE or contact Gain Health Centre’s reception

  • Receptionist Rene Aoina

    Receptionist Rene Aoina


  • Nurse Lead Hannah Bradley

    Nurse Lead Hannah Bradley


  • Receptionist Donna Walls

    Receptionist Donna Walls


  • Practice Manager Anna Guest

    Practice Manager Anna Guest


  • Administrator Tracey Wyatt

    Administrator Tracey Wyatt


  • Receptionist Moira Balloch

    Receptionist Moira Balloch


  • Dr Jessica Handley

    Dr Jessica Handley

    Dr Jessica Handley is our newest GP in the team and she came to us as a fully specialised General Practitioner from the UK.  She particularly enjoys paediatrics, acute primary care and making relationships with her patients.  Outside of work she is interested in the arts, and baking and is a Girl Guide Leader.

  • GP Lead Dr Imogen Robertson

    GP Lead Dr Imogen Robertson

  • Dr Andrew Dunn

    Dr Andrew Dunn

    Dr Andrew Dunn joined Gain Health Centre in 2016 after his long-term service in the New Zealand Defence Force.  He has particular interests in travel medicine and minor surgery.  In addition to his clinical work, he also works for Medic Alert and the Medical Council.  Outside of work, he enjoys outdoor pursuits (tramping and fishing) and spending time with his family.

  • Receptionist Cyndy Hauwaho

    Receptionist Cyndy Hauwaho


  • Nurse Katrina Blyth

    Nurse Katrina Blyth


  • Health Care Assistant Ada Suarez

    Health Care Assistant Ada Suarez


  • Nurse Jane Morris

    Nurse Jane Morris


Latest News

Fees Increase 1 July 2024

We have increased our fees as of the 1 July 2024. This is due to the growing increase of costs and wanting to continue to provide our patients with the best service we can.
We acknowledge the struggles that many of our patients are facing during these challenging times. We do not want the fees increase to become a cost barrier for our patients therefore our administration team can help support you to set up an automatic payment option if you are not able to pay the fees in full on the day.
Please call the reception team on 04 5285 353 if you require assistance setting up an automatic payment.
Thank you for your understanding
Gain Health Centre




Wellness Day 20.4.2024

A big thank you to the Gain Health Centre staff and their whānau for baking for all the volunteers on the Wellness Day.

Thank you to Orongomai Marae, Upper Hutt Unichem, Vaughan and Hape, our wonderful committee team.

 Thank you to Aotearoa Immunisation Register team who made the vaccinating possible on the day.

We are very grateful for the support of the following stall holders and we really appreciate working along side you on these events. We hope our relationship can continue well into the future.

Breast Screening Service

Bowel Screening

Hep C Tu Ora

Pacific Health Service

Te Ngakau Kahukura

Susan Kingi Podiatrist

Access and Choice Te Awakairangi

Stroke Foundation

Heart Foundation

Barbara from Te Awakairangi

Upper Hutt Finance

Bee Healthy Dental


Age Concern

Health New Zealand, Tobacco and Alcohol

Kokiri Marae – Mana Wahine – Regional Stop Smoking – Sexual and Reproductive Health

Big thankyou to:

Jemma the very talented Face Painter from Making Faces NZ.

Everyone who volunteered on the day.

Donations from our amazing IT team Primary IT, Brewtown and Mega Mitre 10 Upper Hutt. 

And lastly, thank you to the hardworking staff from Gain Health Centre who volunteered their time.

The day was a great success! Thanks to all those involved.

General Enquiries and Feedback

  • We welcome your feedback and always strive to provide the best care and advice. Please let us know by completing the patient feedback and General Enquiries form below. 

    (Please do not send clinical queries via this form. To book an appointment or request a prescription please log in to the online portal or phone reception)

  • Important to know

    • Green Cross Health and The Doctors medical centres follow this feedback management process in accordance with guidelines set by the Health and Disability Commissioner
    • If your feedback is sensitive or involves medical centre management, please contact Green Cross Health by emailing
    • You can ask for help and advice from The NZ Advocacy service. The Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service is a free service that operates independently from all health and disability service providers and agencies.
    • If you have concerns you are welcome to contact the Health and Disability Commission (HDC) about our service. Anyone can use this service, including the person who received the care, a family member or friend of the person who received the care, or a health or disability service provider or concerned person.
    • If you feel your privacy has been breached involving your own or other people's personal information, you can complain to the Privacy Commission