The Doctors St Heliers

Welcome to our practice

From the moment you join our general practice, we use all our knowledge, skill, and experience to provide you and your family with the highest quality healthcare. We are committed to working with you to keep you healthy, diagnose illnesses, and provide the best possible treatment.

Our doctors and nurses are highly trained and specialised in all aspects of primary healthcare. We use information technology designed for New Zealand general practices, ensuring your medical records are clear, up-to-date, and comprehensive - helping your doctor maintain an ongoing relationship with you.

Covid-19 Tests & Results
If you have Covid-19 symptoms or are a household contact of a positive case please phone us to arrange your test. Most testing is now done via Rapid Antigen Testing (RATs) with results available within 30mins. You will need to self-report your result via My COVID Record or by calling 0800 222 478 and pressing option 3. The majority of positive cases will be able to self-manage and required to follow current isolation rules. If you have concerns or if your symptoms are worsening, call us on 09 575 7045 or 111 in an emergency.

Managing a Positive Result
Click here for managing a positive result and your symptoms at home.

Covid-19 Vaccinations
Click here for details.

Many consults are virtual (phone or video), with some in person. Phone 09 575 7045 to book and tell us if you have any Covid-19 symptoms. We will explain what to do when coming into the practice. Please wear a mask at all times.

How To Book An Appointment

For enrolled patients

Click the link below to book an appointment with our GPs and medical team.

Book Appointment

For enrolled patients, we recommend using our patient portal, The Doctors App. Log in via the app on your phone or the desktop version to view available practitioners and appointments.

Please note: Booking through the app is available for enrolled patients only. If you don’t have a login, please create an account here. If you have just enrolled, please note that you won’t have access to The Doctors App until we have confirmed your enrolment via email. If you are unsure, please call us.

To Download ‘The Doctors App’ on your mobile:

1.    Scan the QR code below, or click on the Apple or Google Play buttons which will take you directly to the app store to download it.

       Qr code Description automatically generated 

2.    Select ‘Create Account’ and enter the unique practice invite code: STHE

3.    Enter your details. Please make sure your name, date of birth, and mobile number match the details you gave us when you enrolled with us. 

Enrol With Us

<span id="Enrol-With-Us">Enrol With Us</span>

We warmly welcome new patients

When you enrol with us, some of the benefits include:

  • Reminders and recalls for important health management
  • Pay less to see the doctor than non-enrolled patients
  • Access to our online patient portal to book appointment, order repeat prescriptions and to view lab test results
  • There is more information here about why it’s great to be enrolled

Enrolling with us means you understand and accept our standard terms and conditions.

There’s no need to come into the clinic, you can enrol online - it’s secure and confidential. The online form will guide you and you will need to upload suitable identification.  

Enrol Online Here

Paper Enrolment

Paper enrolment forms are still available if you're not able to complete the online form. For each person enrolling, simply print and complete:  the Enrolment Form, an Adult or Child Medical Questionnaire and email all files to including a copy of your suitable identification:  

Not enrolled but need an appointment? 

Just phone our friendly team for a casual appointment. Extra charges apply for casual appointments when you are not enrolled at our practice.

We warmly welcome new patients

When you enrol with us, some of the benefits include:

  • Reminders and recalls for important health management
  • Pay less to see the doctor than non-enrolled patients
  • Access to our online patient portal to book appointment, order repeat prescriptions and to view lab test results
  • There is more information here about why it’s great to be enrolled

Enrol Online

There’s no need to come into the clinic, you can enrol online - it’s secure and confidential. The online form will guide you and you will need to upload suitable identification:  

Enrol Online Here

Paper Enrolment

Paper enrolment forms are still available if you're not able to complete the online form. For each person enrolling, simply print and complete:  the Enrolment Form, an Adult or Child Medical Questionnaire and email all files to including a copy of your suitable identification

Not enrolled but need an appointment? 

Just phone our friendly team for a casual appointment. Extra charges apply for casual appointments when you are not enrolled at our practice.

Are you registered for the online portal?

When you’re enrolled with us you can register for our patient portal, called ConnectMed. Then, any time you like 24/7 you can:

  • book appointments
  • request repeat scripts
  • view lab test results

Phone reception 09 575 7045 or email us: to start your registration

Online Patient Portal

Our patients use The Doctors App as their online patient portal, an easy-to-use tool designed to empower them to manage their healthcare conveniently.

About The Doctors App

  • Book and manage appointments quickly
  • Request repeat prescriptions
  • View lab test results
  • Access a summary of your health information
  • Easily connect with your general practice team
  • Secure login with passcode or facial recognition – no more forgetting usernames and passwords

The Doctors App is available for download on mobile devices and is also accessible via web browsers.

Our Services

Preventative Healthcare

We are always looking for ways to prevent illness, or to detect and treat problems at an early stage.

Men’s Health – double appointment. Fee $160.
Women’s Health – double appointment. Fee $160.
Well child checks – especially from birth to three years. Free.

Minor Accident Care

Why wait for hours at an Accident and Medical Centre or an Emergency Department? We are happy to treat most minor accidents such as strains and sprains, cuts needing stitches, palm spikes and fish hooks needing removal.

Skin Checks

Our GPs will do a full body skin checks (30 min appointment) and advise on the best ways to manage anything that needs action.This may include minor surgery which can be done here. Consider making skin checks an annual event.

Liquid Nitrogen

Many skin spots such as warts, skin tags, cosmetic blemishes, sun-damaged skin and early skin cancers can be treated using Liquid Nitrogen to freeze the lesion. One treatment may be all that is needed but often further applications are needed.

Minor Surgery

We are able to do small operations under local anaesthetic to remove skin cancers and other skin problems such as unwanted moles, skin tags, cysts and warts.

Repeat Prescriptions

We can provide Repeat Prescriptions for known conditions when this is agreed by your doctor. Stable conditions still require a check with your doctor at regular intervals, usually every three or six months. We are a busy clinic so please be organised and don’t do this at the last minute. Remember that you may be asked to come in for a check.

Repeat prescription cost is $33. For an urgent, same day prescription the cost is $45.

We are happy to send to your preferred Pharmacy.

Request Prescription Online or you can request via phone, The Doctors App or email.

Lab Tests, X-rays and Results

If you need a lab test, the nearest lab is at the EastMed Centre (at the Grace Joel Retirement Village) 188 St Heliers Bay Rd. Other sites can be found here.

X-rays can be done in the community or in the hospital.

Most results come back to your doctor within 48 hours. Your doctor or nurse will contact you with important results and you may be asked to see the doctor again.

The availability of online results at your patient portal (once your doctor has checked them) is a new way to find out results.

However remember that laboratory test results and other reports require expert medical interpretation. Your doctor is the person best placed to provide you with a useful and accurate interpretation of these results and any additional information.

Contraception and Sexual Health

This is an important part of your healthcare and we are here to provide advice and manage contraception and regular sexual health checks.

Cervical Smears (Smear Tests)

Your routine cervical smear can be done by your doctor or one of our nurses.

All women who have ever been sexually active should have regular cervical smear tests every three years between the ages of 20 and 70 whether they have had the HPV vaccine or not. This test detects abnormal cells which, if left untreated, could become cervical cancer.

IUCD Insertion

Our women GPs are able to insert an Intrauterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD) if chosen to prevent pregnancy. The Mirena brand of IUCD is often used to reduce heavy bleeding during periods. Please see your doctor to discuss and plan this procedure.

Flu Vaccinations

Book your flu vaccination through the patient portal, using the online form to request an appointment or phoning us on 09 575 7045

Flu Vaccine - Patient Portal

Request Flu Vaccine Booking


Our doctors and nurses are here discuss and help provide immunisations. We fully support immunisations to prevent illness. Immunisation has led to the decline of many lethal diseases including, most recently, meningococcal B meningitis. You can consider a number of other vaccinations such as Pneumococcal vaccination or Shingles vaccination. Risks associated with immunisation are very rare. You may view immunisation schedules here.


An ECG is a recording of your heart’s electrical activity. Electrode patches are attached to your skin to measure the electrical impulses given off by your heart. The result is a trace that can be read by a doctor. It can give information of previous heart attacks or problems with the heart rhythm. Your doctor will interpret your ECG and advise whether more tests are needed for your heart.


Spirometry is a tool that measures how effectively your lungs are working. We can use this to assess lung conditions such as asthma, COPD (chronic bronchitis) and smoking damage.

Travel Health Services and Immunisations

Before travelling, you need to think about your medical needs and consider vaccinations to prevent illness. For all but the simplest of travel plans, we advise seeing the nurse for advice.  Please phone reception to book your travel consult with the nurse. Download our Travel Health Questionnaire here.

Palliative Care

Palliative Care is the care provided to improve the quality of life near the end of life for conditions like cancer. We are here to assist with providing emotional and social support and relieve suffering during this stage in life’s journey. Often this is a team effort with your GP coordinating a number of different services and caregivers.

Youth Health

Your GP is aware of the needs of young people and will be available to assist as they face issues common to all young people such as contraception, alcohol, drugs, and smoking.

Mental Health

Often the GP is called to support and treat people with mental illness such as depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. We are available at times of crisis and can call on specialist assistance should this be needed.

Antenatal (Maternity) Care

We are able to give advice before pregnancy, assess fertility and refer if assistance is necessary. We can diagnose pregnancy and advise you on your pregnancy care before referring you to a lead maternity carer (LMC) who delivers your baby. Of course, we are there to support you and eventually to care for you and your new baby.

Standard Hours

Monday - Friday 8am - 5:30pm 
Closed weekends and public holidays

After Hours

For other care phone 09 575 7045 after hours. You will be able to talk with our on-call nursing service who will be able to answer your questions and give expert advice.

Auckland Hospital and Starship Children's Hospital Emergency Dept are located at 2 Park Road, Grafton, Auckland 1023. They are open 24/7 for emergency health care.

If you have a medical emergency, call 111 

Patient Fees

Enrolled Patient Fees

Age  Standard                 CSC Card                                                    
0 -13 years  FREE                 FREE 
14 – 17 years  $65.00                 $13.00
18 - 24 years  $70.00                 $19.50
25 - 44 years   $80.00                 $19.50
45 - 64 years  $80.00                 $19.50
65 +  $80.00                 $19.50

CSC - Community Services Card


Read our Standard Payment Terms and Conditions here.

Standard Payment Terms and Conditions

The Cost of Health Care in New Zealand

Healthcare in New Zealand is a mixture of free and subsidised services, where patients pay a fee to cover some of the costs of providing healthcare services.

Free and subsidised care is only available to New Zealand residents, with exceptions in some cases for visitors from countries like the UK and Australia where New Zealand have reciprocal agreements. Ask our reception team if you think you may be entitled to a funded service for your visit or have any other questions on our fees.

Useful Information About Fees at The Doctors

  • Payment is due the day of consultation or service - prior to your appointment.
  • Repeat prescriptions must be paid for before the prescription is issued or sent to a pharmacy.
  • All fees are based on a single appointment, extended consultations may incur additional charges. Fees may vary due to the time taken and materials used.
  • Medical consumables will be charged separately.
  • Weekends, afterhours and public holidays will incur additional fees
  • Accounts may only be set up with the approval of the Medical Centre Manager.
  • Accounts that are unpaid will be sent to Debt Collection. The debtor (patient) is responsible for all debt collection fees.
  • Normal consultation charges apply to Virtual or Phone Consultations.
  • Newly enrolled patients may require a double appointment for their first visit. A double appointment fee will apply.
  • Four hours cancellation notice for a booked appointment is required. Non-attendance will incur a normal consultation fee.
  • Our practice nurses are skilled professionals and there is a fee when you see them for advice or services.
  • If you have a Community Services Card, you may be eligible for a reduced consultation or prescription fee.
  • If not paid in full an additional $10.00 fee will be charged for all age groups

Pay Online

Good news, paying online is easy. 

You can pay securely using a credit or debit card or internet banking (Account2Account payments) - just click below to make a payment.  Payment is due on the day of your appointment. In addition to paying online you can pay in person at the centre with cash, eftpos and credit card.

Make a Payment

Our Team

Mandeeps Manage  
  • Dr Jorijn Kamphof

    Dr Jorijn Kamphof

    Jorijn was born and raised in Utrecht, the Netherlands where she also finished her Medicine studies and subsequent GP training.

    She has worked in Upper Hutt as a GP in 2022-2023 and started joining this practice since October 2023.

    Jorijn lives locally with 3 children and a husband and enjoys exploring the outdoors in her spare time.

  • Dr Angela Jakobsen

    Dr Angela Jakobsen


    Angela did her Medical training in Scotland and England before moving to New Zealand which she loves.She has also lived and worked in Thailand. She initially specialized in Paediatrics then subsequently in Family Medicine and has further sub-specialised in the diagnosis of Skin Cancer and Travel Medicine. She very much enjoys all aspects of General Practice. She has worked locally for the past 25 years and joined St Heliers Medical in 2017.

    She is the mother of two sons and has mentored young refugee boys. She is passionate about sports,fitness,healthy living and Adventure travel.

    She sees the relief of suffering and the promotion of happiness as major goals.

  • Dr Stephanie Taylor

    Dr Stephanie Taylor


    Stephanie is an Otago University graduate and has worked as a GP in Wellington and South Auckland before joining St Heliers Medical in 2004.

    Despite being a hurricane supporter Stephanie loves the Auckland lifestyle, she is married with three children and loves exercise and the outdoors.

    Stephanie also works as the National Clinical Director for Green Cross Health so unfortunately she is not accepting new patients.

    Stephanie is proud to be an owner of The Doctors St Heliers and is excited to now be part of our bigger team.


  • Dr Hendrik van Roekel

    Dr Hendrik van Roekel



  • Dr Graeme Washer

    Dr Graeme Washer


    Graeme shares his time between General Practice and a part-time practice as a specialist General Surgeon in Private Hospitals, as well as carrying out Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy procedures.

    He is a strong advocate for Mens' Health and is Medical Director of Mens Health Trust New Zealand.
    He has four adult children, one a doctor, and enjoys gym training and gardening. 

  • Dr Bob Cole

    Dr Bob Cole

    BM BSc MD, Diplomat of the American Board of Family Medicine.

    Special interest in Public Health disease surveillance and outbreak management. Cardiovascular disease risk assessment and prevention.

    In a former life Bob managed a Jazz club in Oakland, California and plays 5 musical instruments.

    Bob’s spare time is spent trying to survive parenthood of a seven and a four year old.

  • Dr Dalice Keogh

    Dr Dalice Keogh


    Dalice grew up in Dunedin and studied Medicine at The University of Otago.  She graduated in 2016 and worked in Dunedin Hospital for three years. Dalice has spent the last year working in General Practice in Central Otago and is working to a Fellowship with RNZCGP.

    When she is not at work, Dalice enjoys spending time with friends and family, skiing and the outdoors.

  • Dr Jacob Rollo

    Dr Jacob Rollo


    Jacob was born and raised in Dunedin.  After leaving high school, he initially completed a science degree at Otago University prior to working for several years as a teaching fellow in the Otago University physiology department.  He subsequently moved to Melbourne, Australia to undertake his medical school training, during which time he met his wife Kim.  They returned and settled in Auckland around the Eastern Bays area in 2013 and now have a 3 year old daughter.  In his spare time, Jacob enjoys the outdoors, running, swimming, cycling, playing guitar, reading, and listening to music.

  • Dr Upeksha Settinayake

    Dr Upeksha Settinayake

    MB ChB (Auckland), PG Cert Women

    Dr Upeksha Settinayake has special interests in family medicine, women's health, geriatrics and palliative care. She has also previously worked as a high school doctor and enjoys working with young people.  She obtained Fellowship of the Royal NZ College of GPs in 2016.  In her spare time she enjoys creative writing and travel.

  • Dr Tracey Opperman

    Dr Tracey Opperman

    MB ChB (Auckland), FRNZCGP Family Medicine

    Dr Tracey Opperman has special interests in family health, children and women's health, and care of the elderly. Tracey has been in general practice since 2000 and is a Fellow of the Royal NZ College of GPs. She has two teenagers and enjoys gardening in her spare time.

    Currently not taking new patients.

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If you have feedback or would like to discuss a concern you have with our service, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email ( or phone (09 575 9491). Your healthcare is our top priority, and we’re here to support you.