We are always looking for ways to prevent illness, or to detect and treat problems at an early stage.
Men’s Health – double appointment. Fee $160.
Women’s Health – double appointment. Fee $160.
Well child checks – especially from birth to three years. Free.
Why wait for hours at an Accident and Medical Centre or an Emergency Department? We are happy to treat most minor accidents such as strains and sprains, cuts needing stitches, palm spikes and fish hooks needing removal.
Our GPs will do a full body skin checks (30 min appointment) and advise on the best ways to manage anything that needs action.This may include minor surgery which can be done here. Consider making skin checks an annual event.
Many skin spots such as warts, skin tags, cosmetic blemishes, sun-damaged skin and early skin cancers can be treated using Liquid Nitrogen to freeze the lesion. One treatment may be all that is needed but often further applications are needed.
We are able to do small operations under local anaesthetic to remove skin cancers and other skin problems such as unwanted moles, skin tags, cysts and warts.
We can provide Repeat Prescriptions for known conditions when this is agreed by your doctor. Stable conditions still require a check with your doctor at regular intervals, usually every three or six months. We are a busy clinic so please be organised and don’t do this at the last minute. Remember that you may be asked to come in for a check.
Repeat prescription cost is $33. For an urgent, same day prescription the cost is $45.
We are happy to send to your preferred Pharmacy.
Request Prescription Online or you can request via phone, The Doctors App or email.
If you need a lab test, the nearest lab is at the EastMed Centre (at the Grace Joel Retirement Village) 188 St Heliers Bay Rd. Other sites can be found here.
X-rays can be done in the community or in the hospital.
Most results come back to your doctor within 48 hours. Your doctor or nurse will contact you with important results and you may be asked to see the doctor again.
The availability of online results at your patient portal (once your doctor has checked them) is a new way to find out results.
However remember that laboratory test results and other reports require expert medical interpretation. Your doctor is the person best placed to provide you with a useful and accurate interpretation of these results and any additional information.
This is an important part of your healthcare and we are here to provide advice and manage contraception and regular sexual health checks.
Your routine cervical smear can be done by your doctor or one of our nurses.
All women who have ever been sexually active should have regular cervical smear tests every three years between the ages of 20 and 70 whether they have had the HPV vaccine or not. This test detects abnormal cells which, if left untreated, could become cervical cancer.
Our women GPs are able to insert an Intrauterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD) if chosen to prevent pregnancy. The Mirena brand of IUCD is often used to reduce heavy bleeding during periods. Please see your doctor to discuss and plan this procedure.
Our doctors and nurses are here discuss and help provide immunisations. We fully support immunisations to prevent illness. Immunisation has led to the decline of many lethal diseases including, most recently, meningococcal B meningitis. You can consider a number of other vaccinations such as Pneumococcal vaccination or Shingles vaccination. Risks associated with immunisation are very rare. You may view immunisation schedules here.
An ECG is a recording of your heart’s electrical activity. Electrode patches are attached to your skin to measure the electrical impulses given off by your heart. The result is a trace that can be read by a doctor. It can give information of previous heart attacks or problems with the heart rhythm. Your doctor will interpret your ECG and advise whether more tests are needed for your heart.
Spirometry is a tool that measures how effectively your lungs are working. We can use this to assess lung conditions such as asthma, COPD (chronic bronchitis) and smoking damage.
Before travelling, you need to think about your medical needs and consider vaccinations to prevent illness. For all but the simplest of travel plans, we advise seeing the nurse for advice. Please phone reception to book your travel consult with the nurse. Download our Travel Health Questionnaire here.

Palliative Care is the care provided to improve the quality of life near the end of life for conditions like cancer. We are here to assist with providing emotional and social support and relieve suffering during this stage in life’s journey. Often this is a team effort with your GP coordinating a number of different services and caregivers.
Your GP is aware of the needs of young people and will be available to assist as they face issues common to all young people such as contraception, alcohol, drugs, and smoking.
Often the GP is called to support and treat people with mental illness such as depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. We are available at times of crisis and can call on specialist assistance should this be needed.
We are able to give advice before pregnancy, assess fertility and refer if assistance is necessary. We can diagnose pregnancy and advise you on your pregnancy care before referring you to a lead maternity carer (LMC) who delivers your baby. Of course, we are there to support you and eventually to care for you and your new baby.